Art Entries

This section lists a selection of the art competition entries for each age group in 2023.
Select an image to see a larger version below the images.

4-5 year art entry
4-5 year art entry
4-5 year art entry
6-7 years art entry
6-7 year art entry
6-7 year art entry
8-9 year art entry
8-9 year art entry
8-9 year art entry
10-11 years art entry
10-11 year art entry
10-11 year art entry
12-13 years art entry
12-13 year art entry
14-16 year art entry
14-16 year art entry

Music Entries

4-5 year Old Winners

6-7 Year Old Winners

8-9 Year Old Winners

10-11 Year Old Winners

12-14 Year Old Winners

15-17 Year Old Winners

Literature Entires

4-5 Year Old

The Rosary With my Family

I am Mary-Kate. I am five years old, and I like playing with my teddy Meow-Meow. My house has number 1 on it. Around the number one, the door is brown. In my back garden, the swings are green, black, and blue. The trampoline is green and yellow. I pray the Rosary with my family. At night time Daddy says “Let’s pray the Rosary”. When we say Rosary, we say the Hail Marys.

6-7 Year Old

Inky and Bob

There was once a little mouse. His name was Inky. He had a brother called Bob. Bob was a fat mouse. The little mice went down the gutter. Then the little mice went in the grass. The mice never found their way out. The mice were lost. They were separated. Inky made it back home. Bob was eaten by a cat. Inky was sad. He was crying. He played a trick on the cat. He made him dizzy by running around the cat in a circle. He jumped in his mouth and pulled his brother out. Then Inky and Bob found the cat’s ball. Then they gave the ball to the cat and then the cat thanked Bob and Inky. The cat said “Bye”. Then the mice found their way home. They went up the gutter and climbed in through the window. Then they went back to their mice hole in the wall. They started to play some games. They played Ring a Ring a Rosies and played Mr. Potato Head. Next, they went to bed. Then they had a big dream. They were glad to be home.

The Robin

They saw a Robin on the tree.
They liked it
And they thought that they would take a closer look.
But in a big flutter of wings
The Robin was gone
Without a word.

8-9 Year Old

Jeremy and the Pope (Introduction)

Once, there was a man called Jeremy who was a murderer and robber. He lived from 1963 to 2017 and was from the Netherlands. This story all happened when he was about 26 years old in 1989. One day, he went to steal goods from another house, and he saw a man there praying to God to help him grow food for his family. Jeremy decided it would be too risky to rob the house at the time because that man would be able to see Jeremy trying to sneak in. When Jeremy came back the next day, he saw the man planting lots of vegetables and he could just hear the man saying, “Thank you Lord for giving me food for my family!”...

Teddy Patch's Adventure (Introduction)

When I was spending the day in Dublin, we had so much fun. We went to the museum, we went to the shop, and we went to the bookshop. We went home on the train. On the way home, we left my teddy Patch behind on the train. He crawled into a woman’s handbag to find some food. Little did he know that the woman was on a trip going all around the world…

10-11 Year Old


Spring has come once more,
It has stopped the rain pour,
But instead you can hear bees A-buzzing,
See rabbits' fur re-fuzzing,
And primroses and daffodils open wide in Spring,
They smell of every happy thing,
Chicks' eggs cracking,
In new life there is no lacking,
And if you listen,
You will hear the breeze's song,
"Christ is risen!"

A Servant of God (Introduction)

Fr O’ Donnell, a middle-aged priest from Donegal, raced across fields and meadows, his thoughts spinning. How long had it been since Cromwell had started savagely persecuting Catholics all over Ireland? It seemed like an eternity since he had been forced to leave seminary where he had been studying for the priesthood. He had had to abandon his studies, sister and parents to go across seas to France to finish his studies there. After a year of studying he had been ordained and said his first Mass. Then packing his few belongings, he took a ship and sailed for Ireland. When he had arrived he had stayed in his sister’s house preaching and saying Mass in secret, until early this morning when soldiers had come peering through windows and knocking on doors. He had left, not wanting to get his sister and her husband John in trouble. Now he was crashing through forests, hopelessly lost. He had no idea how long he had been running but it felt like hours. His breath was coming out in ragged gasps and his feet felt like lead. He knew he could not run for much longer. Suddenly his heart skipped a beat. He could hear the shouts of his pursuers. Just then he stumbled on a hollow log. In desperation he crawled in...

12-13 Year Old

The Third Day

Silence. The birdsongs
Begin but they are not joy-
Filled as usual

They sing of hope, of
The tragedy that happened
Just two days before

Then there is sound. Sound
Of rock against rock. The bird
Are startled, they flee.

Then there is light. Light
Not of earth but of heaven.
Light of brilliance.

Then there is silence.
But it is not unfriendly
It is delicious.

Then there are footsteps.
A man steps from the bright cave
He is the Most High!

Montsigard (Introduction)

It was the 25th November, 1177, in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. I, the General of the Jerusalem Army, was talking to King Baldwin IV. He had his back turned to me because he was putting on his silver mask, for he had leperosy and his face was horribly decayed. Baldwin turned to face me when he had his mask on and asked me in an anxious tone, "Should I take half of my army and split it into two and hide behind the hills, and then when Saladin's army comes to attack, those two halves come out and attack his army, confusing him, then we charge and finish him off?". I pondered this for a moment, and then agreed saying, "That is a great strategy, Your Majesty! I will tell the captains at once"...

14-16 Year Old

Joy and Strife

O, sing a song of joy and strife,
When Hades took Persephone for his wife,
And Demeter forsook the world,
So caused the plants to be dead and curled
But out comes bud and greenery,
To welcome her back with sweet scenery,
And now we appreciate spring all the more,
For what we have lost has been restored.

Letting Go (Introduction)

1 year ago, on the 24th of December...
Lights, cars, screaming, noise... Then silence. Only darkness. Sudden sounds again. Talking, bright lights, the sound of plastic wheels, the smell of sanitizer? Silence... How much time has passed? A few hours? Maybe days? Tick, tack, tick, tack... She was wide awake, looking at the white clock across the room. Wait... where was she? Oh, a nurse. A nurse? Was she in a hospital? Jennifer tried to stand up, but a horrible pain struck her leg.

"Sorry... where am I?" She asked.

"In the Mount Sinai Hospital." - The nurse leaned over her and checked a little monitor above her head.

"Oh... and why am I here?"

"You had a car accident." A car accident? When? Oh, the lights... Yes, yes, the lights... Peter... Peter? The nurse was leaving.

"Peter!" - She shouted "Where is my husband? Where is Peter?" The nurse turned around with a sad expression on her face...